Culinary map of Mexico
Mexico map
A culinary map of Mexican of edible plants
After a trip to my home country in mid February of 2020 I felt so inspired by the farmer’s markets and the great variety of flavors of Mexican cuisine that i decided to do a painting of all of it together. While I was in Mexico I did some research about the origin of some of the plants that are native to the country and decided to make an infographic.
Most of the information comes from here and other sources to confirm the plants are actually native to Mexico. I also did some research to find out the dishes that they are commonly used for but most of them were in dishes that I have eaten before.
I had a lot of fun painting this piece. Each plant is a miniature painting that forms part of the bigger map. Each miniature took around 1 to 2 hours to paint, it took a little bit over 2 months to finish the whole piece. After I finished the watercolor I scanned and added all the scientific names of the plants and a background using Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Inspiration came from the great variety of fruits and vegetables used commonly found in Mexican farmer’s markets.
Each plant in the map was painted with detail using miniature brushes
The whole drawing is done first in pencil followed by detailed watercolor miniature paintings.
This piece took around 2 months to get completed.
Almost at the end of the map. After this I did some additions on photoshop to create the infographic.